Trick to Boost Energy & Support Learning: Cross-crawl

It’s time we talked about cross-crawl! This is a key technique, used both in PSYCH-K and kinesiology balancing. It would be a fantastic addition to anyone’s personal toolbox of self-healing, energy generating activities, so give it a try.

What is it? This is an activity that stimulates the brain, and most importantly encourages the correct left-right integration. The two hemispheres of the brain should cross-over so that the left brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa. If they do not we are in a homolateral pattern which puts the whole body into stress and weakness. If we did not crawl as a baby, but rather bum-shuffled around we may then encounter difficulties later on, such as learning difficulties (dyslexia and the like) and lower back problems, because this cross-over pattern is a crucial part of brain development that should occur as babies transition into toddlers. This is a connection not made by conventional medicine. Of the people I have asked about this who have dyslexia etc they have all said they bum-shuffled rather than crawled.

How to do it? This is a simple exaggeration of marching on the spot, you raise the right knee and bring the left hand down to touch to it and vice versa. You can also raise one knee and lift the opposing arm up above your head. This is great to do for a few mins to music as a start to your exercise sessions. We were designed to naturally cross-crawl when we walk, run or swim. Pay attention to your movements, does your left arm come forward when you step out with the right leg, or does the left leg come forward and left arm move or stay still at your side when you walk around?

If you have dyslexia, any other learning difficulties, coordination issues or have been under intense stress recently it would be an excellent idea to address a tendency to be in a homolateral pattern. It may be enough to correct this by tapping on your k-27 points about 10 times before starting cross-crawl. K-27 is an acupressure point under the two knobbly end points of the collarbone at the base of your throat, and is the end point of the kidney energy or meridian line. Tapping here, Donna Eden says, gets your energies flowing in their natural direction. So tap here before starting your cross-crawl.

It could be that further corrections are needed to get the cross-talk working as it should to support full balance of brain-to-body talk, if so I can help you with that.

Tips: Wear your bag on your back or across your body, and not on your shoulder. Don’t walk and talk on the phone.
When we walk hands-free we cross-crawl in our natural gait and gain the benefits.
Do some repetitions of cross-crawl after carrying a child, a suitcase or shoulder back to bring you back into correct balance.
If feeling uncentered for any reason try sitting with your ankles and wrists crossed to feel the strengthening benefits of this crossing over. If when in the presence of another person you feel your energy is thrown off-kilter being in a crossed-over position will bring you back to your own sovereignty and actually make it easier to be with them as Donna Eden says in her book Energy Medicine. You can be subtle about it by crossing your wrists in your lap to avoid offending someone by what may be considered ‘closed’ body language.

Other benefits to daily cross-crawl include its energising effects, and is helpful for when feeling lethargic, unmotivated or exhausted for no clear reason. It helps you think more clearly, and boosts learning. Improves your coordination. Brings ‘online’ your body and brain’s full capacity and intelligence. Supports your system’s healing processes.