Hanna Sharpe Kinesiology

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What is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology (pronounced kin-easy-ology) brings relief to symptoms of ill health or stress in the body and mind. This is a natural healthcare system that uses a whole-person focus and is guided by the symptoms that a person reports. This powerhouse of a healing system marries chiropractic’s modern physical techniques with ancient Chinese medicine philosophy.

Kinesiology isn’t used to make diagnoses, rather it picks up on imbalances in health, that are even quite minor. This is hands-on work, and working with the client over at least 6 sessions I actively free up blocks and toxins for them so that the whole body can do its job properly and happily. When given the conditions for a healthy environment (good input through diet, exercise, happy and relaxed most of the time, loving relationships and fulfilment) the body/mind can heal itself of a lot of health conditions, and help to manage more serious illnesses.

A review of and adjustments to lifestyle, diet and attitudes really are instrumental to the process and is where the client gets to feel supported and motivated to take back control over their life. We could all do with feeling more empowered and that we can better our own health.

This is how I would describe Systematic Kinesiology, which is where my introduction to kinesiology took place during the first three years of my training from 2015 to 2017.

For the past 3 and a half years I have done additional training in Metaphysical Kinesiology, and mostly use that now, though I do combine the two approaches.

What is Metaphysical Kinesiology?

Metaphysical Kinesiology seeks to understand the underlying reasons for symptoms and resolve them from there. It is not focused on simply fixing symptoms as they appear to be on the surface, but on what has caused the symptoms to manifest in the first place.

Painful emotions, experiences and traumas when not acknowledged, expressed or resolved thoroughly will have a lasting draining/negative affect on our thinking patterns, how we see ourselves and others, and alter our behaviour. In my personal experience and in what I see in clients negative inner states or memories, whether obvious or subtle, will eventually express themselves in the body through frequent colds, painful periods, constipation or long-term anxiety for example.

Adaptive behaviours may be created to avoid past experiences happening again – so after being bitten by a dog as a child you always feel on edge around them as an adult, and never go to public parks, and wrongly interpret most dog behaviour as aggressive for example. The anxiety around dogs persists, and is a drain on your energy, this can be released so that you heal the past and feel more at ease and even develop a positive bond with a dog in the future.

It can simultaneously surprise but also make sense that something unpleasant that happened when we were age 7, now a distant memory, can still impact on our behaviour or health much later in life. I am guided to find these connections and resolve the trapped pain to help you in the now. Once freed up these old energy blocks won’t threaten to appear in your future.

There may not seemingly be any logic to the connections that are made in a treatment, the important thing is that the blocks, stresses and repeating patterns are released. The beauty of kinesiology is that these issues can be discovered and worked with on whatever level is presenting as a priority communication from the body. This communication is picked up on through muscle testing, by using my intuition and feedback from you, the client.

It is often the case that what the body and mind are holding on to and having a detrimental affect on your health, originate in a past life, your ancestry or in a certain aspect of self i.e. your child self, ego self, soul self or self-worth, though there are many others... And these more subtle aspects of healing come up often in a session and always lead to deeper healing and resolution, and also to greater understanding and acceptance of your life and path, which is a bonus!

Intrigued to find out more? You can get in touch with me to see how I can help you here: hello@hannasharpekinesiology.com or call me on 07730330533.