Hanna Sharpe Kinesiology

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How to Identify & Release the Deepest, Sneakiest Self-sabotage

‘I know’ is the strongest affirmation of belief. Belief may come with an element of doubt, but to know something is the ultimate confidence of truth.


I know I am lovable

I know I am able to achieve my aims in life

I know my family love me


Affirmations, and positive thinking are very good to help us align with what we want to see in life, and in how we want to change, and simply just to improve our mood. But if there is any underlying sabotage, any part of us that has secondary gain in being ill, feeling small, holding on to guilt/pain, lacking confidence or freedom it won’t matter how dogged we are in repeating positive statements or how much effort we put into kinesiology treatments to correct imbalances the improvements won’t stick.


Luckily there are some techniques to check for what is called ‘psychological reversal’ in kinesiology, and to resolve the underlying reluctance to change. If you feel you may be holding yourself back or that issues/patterns are stubborn it would be useful to see me to work on this topic.

Sabotage can also be present without us being aware of it. I remember trying different therapies before I found kinesiology and while I really wanted change I also wanted to prove to the therapist that I couldn’t be healed! This was a persistent inner battle, but I wasn’t conscious of it at the time, I only knew I wasn’t improving. Kinesiology helped me to turn this old pattern around.


Then any self-supporting inner work, affirmations, kinesiology treatments and PSYCH-K will be much more powerful, they’ll hold and last.


Psychological reversal is a new technique that I’ve added to my tool box, and I’m excited to share it with you. If you’d like to know more contact me on 07730330533 or email me hello@hannasharpekinesiology.com